Doctor Who: The Mutant Phase (Complete dalek adventure) (Free Audio Book)
Doctor Who: The Mutant Phase (Complete adventure)
The Mutant Phase audiobook by Big Finish Productions is one of the few that is actually a non-original story by the studio. In fact, The Mutant Phase is a remake of an earlier audiobook by publisher Audio Visuals. The story centers on the Fifth Doctor and follows him through time as he is forced to face his nemesis, the Daleks in a world where they have already won.
The Mutant Phase is the 15th audiobook that Big Finish produced and was made available in December 2000. The audio drama episode has a running time of 1 hour and 15 minutes and is definitely a must have for Doctor Who fans. You know it’s going to be great when The Doctor locks horns with the Daleks.
Written By: Nicholas Briggs
Directed By: Nicholas Briggs
Peter Davison (The Doctor); Sarah Sutton (Nyssa); Christopher Blake (Professor Ptolem); Jared Morgan (Commander Ganatus); Andrew Ryan (Albert); Sara Wakefield (Delores); Mark Gatiss (Professor Karl Hendryk/Roboman); Alistair Lock (Dalek Voices/Technician); Nicholas Briggs (Dalek Voices); Jason Haigh-Ellery (Lieutenant)
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