Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich (Free Audio Book)
Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich – A free audiobook
Narrated by David Barnes
This is the free audiobook edition of the book, Revelations of Divine Love, written by Julian of Norwich. Truth is not much is known about the writer of this book, not even her name is for certain. She is believed to have been from the Church of St. Julian in Norwich where she was an anchoress. She suffered an illness during her 30’s which became so severe that she believed she was already on her deathbed. This illness caused her to have vivid visions; she survived her dire condition which led to this book that she will write 20 years after her survival of the unknown ailment.
This is the first book English language book that was written by a woman which then propelled Julian to be one of the foremost spiritual authorities during her time.
You can listen below (it may take a moment to appear) or download here.
Book versions to buy from Amazon:
Kindle Edition
Paperback – October 17, 2014
Hardcover – December 24, 2009
Audio CD