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Pinocchio Quiz – Book Quizzes Online


1.Don’t Look! Who wrote Pinocchio?

 Carlo Ancolloti

 Carlo Cudicini

 Carlo Collodi


2.What was Geppetto’s occupation?


 Metal worker



3.Which of the following historical events was occuring at the same time Pinocchio was being written ?

 Mussolini was taking office

 The modern state of Italy was being formed

 Rome was being sacked by the vandals


4.Which of these characters was known in Italian as ‘Il Grillo Parlante’?

 The talking cricket

 The naughty cat

 The thieving fox


5.Which of these statements is true about Collodi’s first version of Pinocchio?

 Pinocchio was left to die at the end of the book

 Pinocchi was a real boy all along

 Pinocchio was based on Mussolini’s brownshirts


6.What was the real name of the Pinocchio author Carlo Collodi?

 Carlo Lorenzini

 Carlo Ancolloti

 Carlo Cudicini


7.Which of the following songs is NOT from the Disney version of Pinocchio?

 Give A Little Whistle

 When I Wish Upon A Star

 With A Smile And A Song


8.In the Disney movie who sang the song ‘Little Wooden Head’?


 J. Worthington Foulfellow

 Jiminy Cricket


9.In the novel, which character tricks Pinocchio by pretending to be blind?

 The cat

 The fox

 The harlequin


10.Also from the novel, what was the name of the Inn the fox and the cat ate at Pinocchio’s expense?

 The Red Lobster

 The Blue Whale

 The Tickled-Pink Trout



1.Carlo Ancolloti 2. Woodcarver 3. Italy was being formed 4. The talking cricket 5. Pinocchio was left to die 6. Carlo Lorenzini 7. With A Smile And A Song 8. Geppetto 9. The cat 10. The Red Lobster