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Allan’s Wife by H. Rider Haggard (Free Audio Book)


Allan's Wife Audiobook

Allan’s Wife by H. Rider Haggard – A free audiobook


Narrated by laineyben

This free audiobook edition of one of Allan Quatermain’s pivotal points in his life was first published along with other noteworthy adventures of his in 1889. Allan’s Wife, as the title suggests centers around Quatermain’s life with his wife Stella who is the mother of his son Harry. The story revolves around Allan’s early life before his famous adventures in the heart of Africa and helps flesh out the adventurer as a man before he became a legend. Stella Quatermain is in fact Allan’s second wife and one who people might say is his true love. The story starts off with the day they met right to the very tragic end of their love. This is a rather different Allan Quatermain story as even though it still has H. Rider Haggard’s signature gripping narrative it now has a heavy emotional center that will test Allan like never before.

Allan’s Wife is a tale of love found and lost in the land that is filled with wonder, magic and danger. This is one of Allan Quatermain’s biggest tests and will shape his will and spirit. If you are a fan of classic adventure stories the Allan Quatermain is a series that you should most definitely check out. This story packs an emotional punch that is rare in an adventure story and with the commendable performance of laineyben, it pushes this audiobook version into a must have.

You can listen below (it may take a moment to appear) or download here.



Book versions to buy from Amazon:
