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Dead Men Tell No Tales by Ernest William Hornung (Free Audio Book)


Dead Men Tell No Tales by Ernest William Hornung

Dead Men Tell No Tales by Ernest William Hornung – A free audiobook


Narrated by Librivox Group

Dead Men Tell No Tales is a novel written by English author Ernest William Hornung. Hornung lived most of his life in England and France but also spent two years as a tutor in Australia. While his stay in Australia was short compared to other places, it definitely left a huge impact on his life as some of his most well-known works were clearly inspired by the Australia.

In Dead Men Tell No Tales however he creates a darker and foreboding tale of paranoia centered on survivor’s guilt.

A ship sails over the vast blue ocean carrying a cargo not everyone aboard is privy to. Things turn for the worse when the ship capsizes with no clear explanation. One survivor comes out of this tragic event, Mr. Cole. Tragically, Cole also lost the woman of his dreams who he just met aboard the ill fated ship. However, soon after being rescued he spots a familiar face that he knows for a fact was one of the people who died on the boat. Before he could speak to the stranger the man vanishes and leaves Cole distressed.

A friend invites Cole to rest up in his place at the countryside, believing that time away from the city would do his friend good. However, this only leads to even more questions as Cole starts seeing people who were among the casualties of the sunken boat.

You can listen below (it may take a moment to appear) or download here.




Book versions to buy from Amazon:
Kindle Edition
Hardcover – May 1, 2016
Paperback – October 19, 2015
Audible – Unabridged
Audio CD – Audiobook, CD, Unabridged
Rag Book – 1899