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Vocabulary Quiz – Book Quizzes Online


1. Which of the following means ‘a heated discussion’?





2. Which of the following means to feel ‘indignation’?





3. Which of these phrases best defines the word ‘dullard’?

 A male duck

 A fatless margarine

 A stupid person


4. Which of the following means difficulty in word recognition?





5. Which of the following best defines the word ‘pernicious’?

 Very very boring

 Very very harmful

 Very very drunk


6. What is ‘hubris’?





7. Which of the following words means ‘foresight’?





8. What is closest to ‘perfidious’ in meaning?





9. If you called a spade a spade how might you best be described?





10. Which of the following best defines the word ‘parsimonious’?







1.Argy-bargy 2. Piqued 3. A stupid person 4. Dyslexia 5. Very very harmful 6. Arrogance 7. Prescience 8. Treacherous 9. Prosaic 10. Stingy



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