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Mansfield Park by Jane Austen (Free Audio Book)

Jane Austen Ebook Collection

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Mansfield Park is the third published novel by Jane Austen in May 1814. It was published by Thomas Egerton who had published Austen’s first two novels.

Mansfield Park focuses on the story of three sisters; Lady Bertram, Mrs. Norris and Mrs. Price. Each sister was wed into different social classes with Lady Bertram being the one to marry into an extremely wealthy gentleman. The novel draws heavily on the significance of cause and effect. Every location and accompanying event can send a ripple down the future that can be lessened but is mostly unavoidable. Amongst Jane Austen’s numerous novels, Mansfield Park was considered to be the most controversial at the time of its initial release. While the character Fanny Price was praised for her morality by some, the other half found her timid nature difficult to identify with.

This free audiobook edition of Jane Austen’s Mansfield Park is another superb offering and is a must download for fans of Austen’s work. The reader here certainly knows how to build up the story with their voice. You have to know how to read certain lines and when to change your cadence to develop the story. As a listener, this free audiobook of Mansfield Park offers enough intrigue and with the excellent performance of the reader gives it a winning combination. If there is one aspect that this audiobook falls short it would be that the audio quality skips slightly at certain parts. That is just a small flaw in an otherwise great audiobook adaptation of Jane Austen’s most controversial and dividing novel in all of her illustrious career. Take a listen to Mansfield Park and find out where you fall in regards to its characters.


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Jane Austen Ebook Collection