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Doctor Who: Mission of the Viyrans (Complete adventure) (Free Audio Book)


Doctor Who: Mission of the Viyrans (Complete adventure)

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Mission of the Viyrans is a one-part story that features the Fifth Doctor. In this episode, the famous Doctor and Peri takes a little vacation on the planet Grallista Social but instead find out that there is another group of time travelling extra terrestrials in town besides them. For those who wish to know when this story takes place, it happens right after The Bride of Peladon episode even though that audiobook was released first.



Big Finish made this episode available for download way back in 2009 and you can find it in their sound cloud blog and website. As with all of Doctor’s adventure, Mission of the Viyrans has a good combination of mystery, suspense and humor. This is another great Big Finish production audiobook about the adventures of the time travelling Doctor and his trusted allies. This episode has running time of 26 minutes and is great if you are looking for a little exciting adventure about the Doctor.



As with all of Big Finish’s Doctor Who audiobooks, Mission of the Viyrans follow the radio/audio drama format in that it features several voice actors to play individual characters. As always, they hired top-notch voice talents for each character. Peter Davison as the Doctor definitely captures the character’s deadpan humor and quirkiness. Nicola Bryant pulls double duty by playing both the Doctor’s assistant, Peri and the Viyrans which she completely nails down. Plot wise, Mission of the Viyrans is your standard Doctor Who adventure featuring insane twists with plenty of subtle humor injected.



If you are a huge fan of Doctor Who and can’t seem to get enough of the good time travelling Doctor and try Big Finish Production’s list of super audiobooks readily available for download in their website. This is a great audiobook featuring a good story and great voice acting.

Written By: Nicholas Briggs
Directed By: Barnaby Edwards
Cast: Peter Davison (The Doctor); Nicola Bryant (Peri); Peter Sowerbutts (Lawrence); Philip Childs (Chris)

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Mission of the Viyrans
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Find more Doctor Who audio at Amazon.